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Elizabeth Burnam Claimed
Content Marketing Manager, UX Research @ User Interviews
Lizzy (she/her) is a marketer, writer, and poet, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Currently, she creates educational resources for user researchers, research ops professionals, and other folks in the UX community on the User Interviews blog. She became a marketer by accident; after graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Professional Writing from a small college in Vermont, she applied to every job opportunity she could find with the word “writer” in the title. She cut her teeth on marketing as an agency copywriter, where she learned to approach content as an act of hospitality, shaped by a sense of empathy, generosity, and high regard for the audience. Since then, Lizzy’s written both freelance and in-house content for a wide range of industries, including technology, AI, retail, cosmetics, food and beverage, law, education, and most recently, UX research. Outside of work, Lizzy likes hiking, people-watching, thrift shopping, learning and sharing ideas. Her happiest memory is sitting on the shore of Lake Champlain in the summer of 2020, eating a clementine.
James Gilbert Claimed
Husband | Father to 4 | 4X CMO | Author | Revenue Executive | Podcast Host | Speaker
I am an unconventional person. A data geek that loves to help businesses thrive. A nerdy dad that loves sports and Star Wars. I really just want the world to be a bit kinder to one another.
Anthony Mennie
Marketing Manager at LeadIQ | Geek at Heart 👓
Huge tech geek specializing in search engine optimization (local and national), digital marketing and traditional media production. Continually searching for new learning experiences and developing new skill sets. Thrives in team-based environments, yet a capable independent worker and critical/creative thinker. I have a passion for technology and various digital platforms and am an avid media consumer. I love catching up with my favorite tech blogs and twitter accounts. You can often find me at the movies or binge watching on television & Netflix. I enjoy reading a good book at the beach or chatting over a hot cup of coffee.