Internal Benchmarking 101: A Beginner's Guide
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Sarah Mehlman Sarah Mehlman
Internal Benchmarking 101: A Beginner's Guide

How well do you know your company? Can you list all its strengths and weaknesses? What about how well it performed against your key performance indicators (KPIs)?

The best way to get to know your business better is through internal benchmarking. Benchmarking is all about making comparisons to understand how well your company is doing and identify opportunities. Internal benchmarking is when you compare your company to itself.

Internal benchmarking, sometimes called practice benchmarking, can be a great tool for your company to assess performance and identify areas for improvement. So if you're ready to take a good look in the mirror and identify the good, the bad, and the – not ugly, just in need of improvement – then it's time to jump into internal benchmarking!

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