PEAK Community Claimed
Focused on creating 10 CEO's and 50 CMO's by 2025! 99% of marketers will never set aside time weekly to learn something new each week. Less than 1% of all marketers will have a shot at getting promoted, becoming a CMO, or building a movement. The question: What are YOU doing to be part of that 1%? Now imagine being part of a peer group that helps you consistently connect, intentionally learn, and professionally grow, to be in a leadership role, and do the best work of your life. Because we believe without a community, you are simply a commodity. Peak Community is an invite-only community specifically designed for marketers who want to learn and grow consistently, 1% better each week. We are focused on creating 10 CEO's and 50 CMO's by 2025. Who should be part of this: Practitioners who want to learn to be a better , land a big promotion, and will commit at least 30 mins each week to ask questions, engage, and learn to make themselves better. In short, the 1%. Who should NOT be part of this: Lurkers and if you want to sell, promote your product or yourself, or cannot spend at least 30 mins to engage and grow yourself and the community. In short, the 99%. We want to be the most engaged community. Not the largest.
Share Your Genius Claimed
Marketing Design
+ 3 more
ShareFile, RightSignature, and Podio are purpose-built tools designed to bring disconnected information together and drive team collaboration in today’s hybrid work environment. A flexible, custom-branded multi-channel access portal for all employees empowering users to streamline collaboration with co-workers, clients, and partners. Controls and adaptive intelligence allow users to guard against data theft with full visibility. - -
Marketing Calendar
+ 14 more
SharpSpring is a comprehensive revenue growth platform with robust sales and marketing automation features, functionality and performance. SharpSpring is one of the most flexible platforms on the market, offering powerful, behavior-based email marketing, native or 3rd party CRM integration, dynamic forms, landing page and blog builders, social media management, universal CMS compatibility, and integration with hundreds of applications. SharpSpring is usually less than 1/3 the cost of the comp
Screeners gives reviewers what they’re asking for: a singular, secure, hassle-free destination for previewing pre-release content. Screeners frees PR teams up to do what they do best – build buzz and secure killer coverage. Spend your time building relationships with reviewers instead of finding lost passwords,importing users or resolving playback issues.
Signals, is an alignment of efforts between Marketers and Sales teams and helps teams create successful campaigns through Signal Marketing. Signal Marketing is the new frontier of B2B marketing – but what is it? Every click, every interaction, every query involving your company is a Signal of qualified buyer intent. With Signals, you will be able to track each customer interaction like a transaction history. Signals ensures that you do not have quiet misses – if someone is on your site, if they interact with your email, if they click on a button or fill out a form, you will know immediately and be able to capitalize on their active interest.
AI Sales Assistant
Sales Intelligence
+ 21 more
SignEasy is the easiest and fastest way to sign and send documents for signature from your phone, tablet and computer. More than 130,000 customers from 150 countries trust SignEasy’s easy-to-use and secure solution to shorten contract turnaround times, close deals faster, improve customer experience, and reduce environmental impact. SignEasy integrates with many popular productivity and business applications like G Suite, Office 365, Dropbox, and Box, as well as leading email providers like
Contract Mgmt.
+ 2 more
Simon Data
Simon Data is the enterprise Customer Data Platform (CDP) that empowers brands to deliver data-driven, personalized customer experiences anywhere. The platform leverages enterprise-scale big data and machine learning to power customer communications in any channel. Simon’s unique approach allows brands to develop and deliver incredible personalization capabilities without needing to build and maintain massive bespoke data infrastructure. For more information, visit
Customer Data Platform (CDP)
Email Marketing
+ 1 more
Send mass text alerts. Provide customer service. Create automated campaigns. SimpleTexting’s powerful text marketing features let you do it all. There’s a reason that Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, nonprofits, healthcare providers, churches, and other organizations use SimpleTexting to reach their audiences—it really works. Our pricing plans are flexible and our intuitive features are designed to help you grow. Whether you need to message thousands at once or have 1-on-1 conversations,