Building Sales on top of a $100M PLG business | Steeve Vakeeswaran, Head - Sales & Expansion, Zapier
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Steeve Vakeeswaran Steeve Vakeeswaran
Building Sales on top of a $100M PLG business | Steeve Vakeeswaran, Head - Sales & Expansion, Zapier

Zapier is valued at ~$5B, having reached over $140M in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) in 2021. With over 300 app partners, integrations with over 3,000 apps, and an ARR per dollar raised ratio in the Atlassian zip code, Zapier has thrown the "How to be a Unicorn" manual out of the window and charted their own course to get there.

Zapier's growth from $0-$140 million has been largely driven by their bottom-up self-serve engine. But in early 2021, with Steeve Vakeeswaran at the helm, Zapier started testing a Sales motion. Over the last year and a half, Steeve has incubated, hired, and built a sales-assist team from scratch.