5 Key Takeaways from our data playbook series webinar with Twilio-Segment and Real Truck
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Brittany Gulla Brittany Gulla
5 min read
5 Key Takeaways from our data playbook series webinar with Twilio-Segment and Real Truck

In case you missed our most recent webinar in the data playbook series, here is a summary that brings insight and advice from the heart of data-driven marketing. It was a delightful discussion between Taylor Donnell, the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Jebbit, Chris Wall, Director of BI and Analytics at Real Truck, and Safdar Jaffari, Partner Engineer at Twilio Segment. Let's delve into the five key takeaways from the conversation.

More Ways to Read:
📓 Original Deep Dive The full article for those who want to immerse themselves
🧃 Summarize The key takeaways that can be read in under a minute
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