10 Spring Cleaning Campaigns to Inspire a Clutter-Free Home
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Posted Apr 2, 2024 10 min read
10 Spring Cleaning Campaigns to Inspire a Clutter-Free Home

As we embrace the arrival of spring, there's no better time to focus on decluttering and cleaning our spaces. The role of social media influencers has become increasingly prominent, shaping consumer behavior and influencing purchasing decisions in profound ways. The statistics underscore this phenomenon: 30% of individuals attribute their increased frequency of cleaning to the influence of social media, while 31% find themselves compelled to purchase cleaning products after exposure to enticing online content. Furthermore, 33% of Gen Zers demonstrating a heightened openness to trying new household products. As a result, influencers have a unique opportunity to capture the attention of this demographic and drive engagement. We take a closer look at 10 spring cleaning campaigns that leverage the power of influencer marketing to promote products and inspire individuals to get organized.

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