Finding growth and discovering self in doing hard things with Katie Flannery
41 min read
Finding growth and discovering self in doing hard things with Katie Flannery

Meet Katie Flannery. From walking into the family's beef business at a young age, to now running it with her father, Katie has been on a constant journey of self-discovery and growth. Her grit, creativity and ingenuity have taken her to a place in life that's both rewarding and demanding and requires much balance. This episode takes us into Katie's amazing story of how she has evolved into being at the helm of her family's business, Flannery Beef.

Much like the cattle whose beef she works with, Katie Flannery is something of a rare breed. She's a butcher's daughter who has quickly risen in her role in her family's company. Together with her father Bryan, the duo has made the Flannery name become one of the most respected in the beef business. They are the leading prime partner to many top chefs across the West. Headquartered in Northern California's San Rafael, Flannery supplies their beef for some of California and Las Vegas' biggest chef names in the business. Katie is at the helm of operations and quickly growing their business.

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