Workspace Setup 101 | Hive Webinar
Workspace Setup 101 | Hive Webinar

The video is a walkthrough of a workspace setup webinar conducted by Kate and Michaela. They introduce the audience to Hive, a project management tool, and cover various aspects such as workspace setup, project terminology, project views, creating actions, and integrating apps. Michaela explains the basics of Hive's mission, project management concepts, and the importance of ease of use and scalability. She details project structures, action cards, and views like status, team, calendar, label, Gantt chart, and table views. Kate demonstrates creating, assigning, and managing actions within Hive, utilizing templates, and viewing personal tasks in "my actions" view. Additionally, she showcases app integrations with Google or Outlook for email, calendar, and Drive, emphasizing the convenience of consolidating tasks and communications within Hive. They encourage questions and offer support channels for further assistance.