How 1 Post Drove 100k Visitors And 50k Orders In 48 hours For Muddy Bites #363
Associated with
Val Geisler Val Geisler
Jarod Steffes Jarod Steffes
How 1 Post Drove 100k Visitors And 50k Orders In 48 hours For Muddy Bites #363

Would you ever consider promoting your brand on a meme page? For Jarod Steffes, co-founder of Muddy Bites, all it took was 1 post and 15 minutes...over 100,000 likes. That led to 100k visitors and 50k orders in 48 hours. But that's just the beginning of today's episode. We get into the purchase follow-up email that gets a 70% open rate, their SMS strategy, and their best email ever.