Networking Tips: The Guide To Networking Without Being Awkward
12 min read
Networking Tips: The Guide To Networking Without Being Awkward

Attending conferences and business events doesn't have to be AWKWARD. It can actually be a very rewarding experience and one that helps you build relationships that will last a life time.

Over the last few years, I've attended TONS of events and have met thousands of people all over the world.

Through all of this experience attending events, I've been able to shake the shyness and unlock some great Networking Tips that I believe can help anyone (yes, shy, introverts, extroverts, attendees, speakers, etc) attend a conference and build relationships with people they're meeting at the events.

Here's a few tips for folks getting ready for conference season 🎤

1) Engage with attendees using the Hashtag beforehand.
2) Best conference icebreaker: "Favourite talk so far?"
3) Write additional info + reminders on biz cards.
4) Don't be afraid to join random group convos in the halls.
5) Remember the Golden Rule. Most people don't mind randoms saying hello. Most people don't mind random conversations. Most people don't mind you joining their table at lunch.
6) Join the event FB Group and look out for other events.
7) Say 'yes' to lunches off-site with cool people.
8) Don't be creepy/stalkerish. Be professional.
9) Remember: You can learn most of this stuff online. Don't be afraid to skip a session and build a relationship.
10) Drink some water.

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