As a consultant, your expertise is your product. It's what you are selling. And in order to get people on board with investing in your knowledge and guidance to transform their business, they need to trust you. Trust is not easy to build with faceless plain-text emails and proposals. You need to establish relationships with prospective clients (and nurture them post-contract) with face-to-face interactions. This human-centered communication approach is what will build a solid foundation of trust between you and your prospective and existing clients. But we know time is money, and meeting in person isn't always possible. Synchronous video tools, like Zoom, are great, but people are busy, and getting them to set time on their calendars to meet can be a challenge. This is when asynchronous video messaging software - like BombBomb - can help you build that trust in between those synchronous video conferencing meetings, just like this... Asynchronous video messages allow you to... Set Appointments With Potential Clients Before you even get the chance to meet with a potential client on Zoom, you have to actually set an appointment with them. Your go-to may be an email or phone call to make that happen, but ...