2 min read
The Ins and Outs of Running a Newsletter

Launching a newsletter sounds simple enough - until it's week three and you've run out of content ideas. Or until your subscribers start falling away and you can't figure out why.

In today's episode, Charli and Miguel discuss tips and tricks for building a successful newsletter that keeps loyal subscribers scrolling and attracts new fans outside your niche. From launching a product, to picking a theme, to figuring out the technical parts in the middle, Charli and Miguel walk through the basics of running a newsletter that actually moves the needle.

"Part of the reason for starting this newsletter is so that I'm not just emailing my list when I have some action I want them to take. I'm giving them value weekly so that hopefully when I do have the thing to pitch, they're more interested in it and they don't feel like they're just being sold to." ~ @charliprangley

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