Meaningful Time Management: Saving Time with Video
Associated with
Alicia Berruti Alicia Berruti
Kevin Andrews Kevin Andrews
Meaningful Time Management: Saving Time with Video

Have you ever finished your workday wondering where the time went and wishing you could have accomplished more? Have you ever wished you could spend more one-on-one time with your prospects and clients but getting time scheduled is more of a headache than a help?

Building meaningful relationships with your clients should be a priority but how do you find the time?

That's exactly what we're going to cover in this month's Deep Dive.

We'll cover
- How to streamline your time spent recording and sending videos
- BombBomb's most time-saving features
- The pre-recorded videos you should have at your fingertips
- A system for establishing consistency, process, and habit

You'll walk away with the best strategies to manage your time AND your business relationships through the use of video messages.