On average, it likely takes your employees about 5 minutes each to update their email signatures (that is, if there aren't any questions). And think about that time spent across a company that employs 100, 200, 1,000 or even 1M employees. For a company of just 100 employees, that's 500 minutes or 8.3 hours of precious company time just updating their email signatures.Ouch! Not to mention, who is the poor "email signature administrator" that has to chase down every employee and manage the process Every. Single. Time. the email signature needs to change? Not to mention respond to the emails of employees who are utterly confused or lost?If this process is all too familiar, can we suggest scheduling a quick demo with Sigstr? Bonus: if you book a time we'll send you a pack of Sigstr sticker goodness.Also learn more about sigstr in this article.