What Is Content Market Fit & Why Does It Matter?
1 min read
What Is Content Market Fit & Why Does It Matter?

Content market fit is something that every organization wants.

It's what organizations achieve when every single time they hit publish on a piece of content they know with certainty that this content is going to resonate with their audience.

That's the goal for every brand.

But you need to start by:
Understanding first who your target audience is.
Knowing where your audience is spending time.

You're looking for channel user fit.

Let's say you're trying to connect with salespeople and you've validated and confirmed that salespeople are spending time on LinkedIn.

That's channel user fit.

Now, once you have that you then move into a transition period where you're trying to find "content user" fit.

What type of content do salespeople on LinkedIn actually resonate with?

What type of content are they sharing?
What type of content are they reading?
What type of content is actually connecting with these people on that channel?

When you uncover that you have content user fit.

And when you are able to uncover both channel user fit and content user fit - that's when you have content market fit.

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