Secure DocuSign Access Across Your Organization
Secure DocuSign Access Across Your Organization

As your organization grows, provisioning
and managing DocuSign users can become
increasingly time-consuming. Administrators
need the right tools to streamline their
administrative duties, secure access by
enabling single sign-on and manage users
across the organization.

Access Management with SSO helps administrators control
access to their organizationally-controlled accounts. Using
the third-party identity provider of their choice, administrators
can ensure compliance with security and company policies
and automatically provision users.
Access Management with SSO helps administrators:
– Secure user-access with SSO
– Centrally manage users
– Streamline provisioning
– Prevent individuals from creating personal accounts using
company email addresses
– Account-wide security policies and oversight
Standardized access and centralized user management make
it easier for administrators to stay up to date with personnel
changes, and greater control over how users access DocuSign
also make it easier to maintain compliance with company,
regulatory and security policies.