2 min read
SPECIAL SERIES: You DON'T Always Need Original Content | Bathroom Break #16

Creating your personal brand isn't as hard as you might think.

Are you caught up worrying about how you're going to come up with that endless original content? Well knock it off because TBH, you're not going to need as much of it as you might think.

In this Bathroom Break, I'm chatting with Jay about how I built Marketing Millennials to over 1M+ followers and revealing the secret sauce to Marketing Millennials' success. What role did content curation play in my rise to the top? Honestly... it's way more than you might think.

Seriously, these secrets shouldn't be gatekept any longer– I want all of my Marketing Besties to replicate my success. Now, get out there and start posting because I seriously can't wait to see you at the top of the algorithm one day. 😉