Relationship Manager CRM | Power Exponential Growth with the new Virtual Relationship Manager (VRM)
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Relationship Manager CRM | Power Exponential Growth with the new Virtual Relationship Manager (VRM)

The modern Relationship Manager is virtual, AI-powered and personalized.

They are the bridge between your bank and your customers. They are in the front line interacting with customers, helping banks deliver the personalized service that customers expect and demand. However, they are often bogged down with siloed customer intelligence, lack of omnichannel engagement capabilities, and routine manual work. Customers are also left hanging with no real-time, omnichannel assistance, and instant fulfillment.

With the new Virtual Relationship Manager (VRM) by CRMNEXT, power your RMs to manage 10X more customers and 3X more revenue with,
►AI-driven day planners to prioritize tasks.
►Single augmented view of customers to understand customer needs in 100 seconds.
►Smart conversation strikers.
►Straight through processes for faster fulfillment.
►Access to new and traditional channels for interactions in a single cons