How to use lead scoring effectively
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Clay Harper Clay Harper
How to use lead scoring effectively

It's 4:45 p.m. and the end of a long day. You'd be perfectly justified in heading home, but you are no quitter. You jump into your customer database and do a quick search for prospects in the hopes of getting one more sale.

So who do you call first? You're looking for a quick win here. Who on this list is most likely to purchase when you call? It would be nice to simply look at a list of people and know which ones are more likely to close.

Or what if, instead of you making the call, it's your best salesperson? Their time is a large expense to your business. They can only call so many prospects with their valuable time. Who should they call first? You want them to call the leads most likely to buy. Knowing who is most likely to purchase is the promise of lead scoring.

Today, I'll walk you through a starter lead scoring strategy that any business can use.

What is lead scoring?Lead scoring is really just segmentation, or separating and organizing contacts into groups that make sense for your business.

Infusionsoft by Keap lead scoring helps you see who your most prepared leads are by aggregating the positive actions they take toward buying, and representing all those actions with flame icons next to their name. You can then order your list having those with the highest flame score on top. Call those leads for your best bet to convert some quick sales.

Create a sequence of email messages that get sent based on timed triggers or client actions, like booking an appointment or downloading an ebook through Keap.

So, lead scoring is great and we want to use it. But how?

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