Velocity And Shortening Your Sales Cycle
13 min read
Velocity And Shortening Your Sales Cycle

Trying to convert your leads faster? Your gut tells you there are bottlenecks, but you'd like a quick way to find the biggest delays? Salesforce users often have difficulty reporting on velocity because there's a large gap in visibility prior to when the sales opportunity is created. As a result, your marketing team can't tell how long it takes to qualify leads.

Full Circle Insights delivers velocity reporting through each stage of your funnel so you know the number of days it takes to convert and, more importantly, eliminate the bottlenecks that exist in your funnel so you can drive more revenue. We show you velocity by stage so you can investigate potential improvements in sales enablement resources or specific problems in your sales organization. Because we date stamp every single funnel stage attainment on each new movement through the funnel, we capture velocity over time for powerful trend reporting.

This enables you to understand how velocity is changing relative to the adjustments you're making. Full Circle slices and dices these velocity reports using a number of different sales and marketing criteria such as velocity by campaign, campaign type, response date, sales rep, or any cohort you track in any field inside of Salesforce. Through the use of a powerful report like velocity by campaign, you can identify campaigns that bring fast-converting leads and optimize your marketing mix. Velocity is only one of the many metrics captured using Full Circle Insights.

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The Sales Journey