The #1 and Only Reason Your SEO Clients Keep Firing You
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Meredith Oliver Meredith Oliver
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The #1 and Only Reason Your SEO Clients Keep Firing You

You have a kick-ass keyword strategy. Like seriously, it could launch a NASA rocket, it's that good. You have the best 1099 local and international talent on your SEO team that working from home and an unlimited amount of free beard wax can buy but you keep you keep on loosing out.The first five years of my agency we churned and burned through clients faster than Kim Kardashian can take a selfie. My mastermind group suggested we *proactively* set up and insist upon a monthly review meeting with every single client. It was a game changer and we immediately adopted the practice. Ten years later we have a 90% client retention rate and over 30 SEO clients on retainer.