Connected TV: What is it, how does it work, and why is it a big deal?
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Megan Sullivan-Jenks Megan Sullivan-Jenks
Posted Sep 22, 2021 3 min read
Connected TV: What is it, how does it work, and why is it a big deal?

Connected TV (CTV) has been the talk of the town the past year, and it's only continuing to grow from here. If you're still unsure of all of the ins and outs of connected TV that's okay! There's a lot to sort out to get your ads on the big screen, but this is a great place to start. This webinar was a Zoom presentation recorded live on Tuesday, September 28 by Megan Sullivan–Jenks, Senior Director of Brand and Marketing at Choozle, and it covers the ins and outs of what CTV is, how it works, and why it is such a big deal. We had some great questions asked during the webinar we wanted to answer and share now. Q: Why is Choozle ConnectedTV a better option than say, Xfinity TV? What would be the motivation to switch? A: Xfinity TV is cable. CTV has already surpassed cable in terms of households and usage. While many of these targeting tactics are promoted across the broad CTV landscape, in reality, these capabilities become significantly limited when only working with direct supply partners. They might provide better access to their own inventory, but lack scale, data, and targeting controls outside of [...]