GA4 - Figuring it out or Finding an alternative | PPCChat Roundup EP244 | by Anu Adegbola
Posted Mar 1, 2023 2 min read
GA4 - Figuring it out or Finding an alternative | PPCChat Roundup EP244 | by Anu Adegbola

In today's episode, we have the awesome Julie Bacchini taking us on the helm of a fantastic topic right now and we couldn't be talking enough about it. It's Google Analytics four, so GA4, figuring it out or find an alternative. So I saw it on, search Engine Land. If you go on Search Engine Land's homepage, there is a countdown they've got going on. We have less than 100 days till it's our only Analytics solution. So we've got that amount of time to talk about it, figure it out, learn big query

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