An Intro to Full Circle Matchmaker
12 min read
An Intro to Full Circle Matchmaker

Is your team spending too much time understanding your lead data and not enough time engaging accounts? Need a better way to market and sell to your leads with a full view of accounts? Introducing Full Circle Matchmaker, an intelligent, easy solution for connecting leads to accounts inside Salesforce, and turbocharging your account engagement.

With Full Circle Matchmaker technology, leads are associated with the right account automatically. Each lead is precisely assigned to the right sales rep on the target account. You can quickly see all leads matched to the account in one place. Full Circle Matchmaker technology, leverages fuzzy matching logic for variations in company naming schemes.

Matchmaker has the most flexible, self-configurable matching rules in the market. If you want to convert those leads to the account or even assign them to your reps based on different rules, you can easily do so from a built-in, user-friendly configuration panel, all self-customizable to your business process.

Want to see how you're doing with your accounts? Full Circle Matchmaker gives you click account activity ratings to better track the health of your target accounts.