How to Create an Envelope in Foxit eSign - Foxit PDF Blog
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Angela Liang Angela Liang
Posted Jan 25, 2022 4 min read
How to Create an Envelope in Foxit eSign - Foxit PDF Blog

In Foxit eSign, an envelope is a container for documents that you send to a recipient or multiple recipients to eSign. An envelope can have one document or many documents. The envelope holds data on the documents to be signed, the signers and other recipients, and the places where signers will eSign the documents.  To generate an envelope, you'll need at least the following : One sender with an email address. One signer with an email address. At least one document to eSign. Once you have the above information, create an envelope by doing the following: Upload the file from your computer by clicking 'Upload File' under the 'Send or ESign Document' section and selecting the PDF file. Add the parties that will be signing this document in the next few steps and include yourself as a party by clicking 'Add Me'. Assign each party the level of access you [...]

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