How To Be A T-Shaped Marketer (And What To Evolve To Next)
6 min read
How To Be A T-Shaped Marketer (And What To Evolve To Next)

The T-Shaped Marketer is one of the most sought after types of marketers in the industry. Brands want to hire them. People want to be them. Managers want to build teams that consist of them.

It's a concept that was originated more than 50 years ago for general hiring practices but countless marketing articles have been written about the T-Shaped Marketer since then.

I love the idea.

I love the concept.

And I love the value that this approach has offered the industry in terms of thinking about knowledge acquisition.

But I think this focus on knowledge is overrated.

I've seen far too many companies hire marketers who KNOW how to talk about digital, social, SEO, content and PR but have no ability when it comes to actually doing the work. No experience in account management, team work, collaboration, hiring, outreach, relationship management or simply pulling up their sleeves to write an article or email a customer.

That's why in this video - I break down EXACTLY what T-Shaped marketers need to evolve into to be successful.

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