Grace Tyson
VP Sales at Reprise, Fueling full-funnel PLG for all

🎭 I'm a theatre geek turned teacher turned sales leader.

💡 I believe that amazing people are the key to success in any organization, and I strive to surround myself with individuals I can constantly learn from (Always Be Learning is the new Always Be Closing!).

🌱 I'm passionate about coaching and developing my team members to reach their full potential, and I dream of building orgs that provide unparalleled growth for everyone involved.

🍸 On the side, I do improv, love a good cocktail (Last Words & Paper Planes, please!), and am fueled by travel and world exploration.

&& We're hiring on our team — if you love working with humble, curious, compassionate, amazing individuals, send me a DM and let's talk about the opportunities at Reprise!