Podcast Marketing Podcast Marketing Podcast Marketing Podcast Marketing
Updated Dec 24, 2023 20 entries
Podcast Marketing

Explore tips, advice, and strategies for brands to grow and market their podcasts.

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Use Quill to help produce and market your podcast!

Use Quill to help produce and market your podcast!

Quill CEO talks podcasts as the marketing tool of the future

Quill CEO talks podcasts as the marketing tool of the future

Podcast Marketing: Guide to Growing Your Podcast Audience

How do you grow a podcast and gain an audience? In this guide, Quill breaks down ten different podcast marketing strategies for you to try.

How to Create a Successful Podcast Marketing Strategy

Without a well-thought-out podcast marketing strategy, it will be a challenge to watch your show rise through the ranks (unless you're a celebrity but sadly, that's not the case for many of us).

Throwing tactics at the wall and seeing what sticks without a clear strategy or measurement plan in place can be a waste of time at the end of the day. Especially for brands, creating a podcast marketing strategy for your team can help to mitigate a lot of questions they may have about the podcast's audience growth tactics.

Below, we're outlining a six-step process to creating a podcast marketing strategy you and your team will love.

Guest Feature: 9 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into Your Content Marketing Strategy

Quill shares a guest post, "9 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into Your Content Marketing Strategy".

10 Tips for a Successful Corporate Podcast

Brands of all sizes have begun creating and launching their own podcast. But how do you create a successful, long-lasting, and results-driven corporate podcast? Here are 10 tips.

10 Tips for Building a Podcast Audience

It's a no-brainer that the number one question on most podcasters' minds is: "How do I build my show's audience?" It takes countless hours to plan, strategize and launch your podcast, and now you want people to press play. Or maybe you've been launched for a while and have a sizable audience. Either way, the hope is to always continue to build and scale your listener base.

Despite its importance, we all know that word of mouth alone will only get you so far. To get your podcast in the ears of more people, you have to take the necessary and intentional steps to reach them.

That's why we put together these top 10 tips for building your podcast audience -because whether you've had a show for a while or are just starting out, everyone's podcast deserves a shot at reaching more people.

Should Your Brand Be Using TikTok to Market Your Podcast?

Apart from reach with existing audiences, it's a powerful platform to get in front of an entirely new audience. While older demographics do use and enjoy TikTok, if you decide your listener personas don't spend significant time on the app, it's alright to omit it from your marketing strategy. It's your responsibility as a marketer to know where your target audience spends time online.

But one of the biggest reasons to use TikTok is to have an edge over your competitors. The platform is relatively underused by podcasters and it means you have a ripe opportunity to stand out. And because it seems like TikTok isn't going anywhere , it's high time to get on the platform.

Not sure where to start? We have just the TikTok tips for you!

4 Ways to Use Social Media to Connect with Your Podcast Audience

Whether you're a marketer, pro podcaster, or an agency, you're likely familiar with social media marketing. Using social media is among the most well-known and common ways to reach and engage with target audiences.
However, it's no longer enough to just be posting on social media and calling it a day. Consumers have become increasingly wary of sales tactics and marketing grabs on social platforms. This is especially true when it comes to promoting podcasts, whose audiences aren't turning to audio to learn about a product, but rather to be educated and entertained.

If you want to be successful at connecting with your audience off of listening apps, you need to change tactics. Whether you have dedicated accounts for your podcast or promote it on your brands existing accounts, keeping the following tips in mind will allow you to connect with your podcast audience in a meaningful way on social media.

Your Guide to Creating and Running a Successful Podcast Advertising Campaign

Step-by-step breakdown for creating a great podcast advertising campaign

How To Use Programmatic Advertising For Podcasts

When it comes to podcast advertising there has been a new term that we've seen pop up quite frequently and that's programmatic advertising.

Podcast Advertising 101

Podcast advertising can be a great way to gain awareness, boost conversions, and grow your business (or podcast)! Here's a full guide on how to advertise on audio.

Brand Advertising: How to Advertise Your Brand on Your Podcast

Podcasts are for education, entertainment and exploring your interests, so podcasters need to maintain a fine balance between using their show for brand advertising while providing value to their audience.

The Difference Between Advertising on a Podcast and Creating a Podcast

Discover the difference between advertising on a podcast and creating a podcast in order to find out which one is best for you and your brand.

How To Get Started With Spotify Advertising

Overall we've found that advertising a podcast on social media tends to be good for awareness but Spotify tends to be better for both awareness and actual clicks. Spotify ads show up on free accounts only though, and you may be thinking, don't the vast majority of people have a premium account at this point? Yes, many people do, but there are still over 155 million free accounts that you can be advertising to.
One thing that I will quickly note about podcast advertising in general is that it's not really possible to track clicks to downloads (yes, annoying). So while Spotify tracks clicks for you, you then have to monitor how your downloads fluctuate during the periods you're running ads.
Now that we've covered the basics, let's dive into creating your Spotify Ad:

9 Ways to Integrate Podcasts into Your Content Marketing Strategy

Explore 9 strategic ways to integrate podcasts into your content marketing strategy. Learn about accompanying blog posts, repurposing content, social media promotion, collaborations, storytelling, and more. Boost your brand's reach and engagement through podcasting today!

How to Use Podcasts for Impactful Brand Storytelling

Effective brand storytelling that communicates your message, connects with your audience, and positions you in a positive and authentic light is challenging to achieve. Discover how you can use podcasts to create impactful brand storytelling.

The Impact of Podcasts on Customer Loyalty

Discover four ways to increase customer loyalty through your branded podcast

Announcing the 2023 Quill Podcast Award Winners

The awards are proudly sponsored by several major players in the podcast game including Sounds Profitable, JAR Audio, Veritonic, Bumper, and Triton Digital (full list of sponsors).

Why You Should Be Doing Podcast Show Notes

Podcast show notes provide additional information and resources for the listener to skim through and discover. And do you need them? Yes.

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