147: Negotiate like a pro during a savings showdown (Hunter Swanson, Enterprise Regional VP @ DocuSign)
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147: Negotiate like a pro during a savings showdown (Hunter Swanson, Enterprise Regional VP @ DocuSign)

In today's episode join our guest Hunter Swanson, Enterprise Regional VP @ DocuSign as he talks about negotiating like a pro during a savings showdown.
1. When you are asked for a discount ask in return, "Why a discount at all" and then create a cost for each item they're asking for.
2. When asking for contract turnaround time, don't just stop at legal approval. Break it down from prioritization to stakeholders.
3. Take the time to get approval. Don't make it seem like it's too easy.
4. When returning a proposal, walk through the additional savings being approved, and have the "Valid by" date in bold red.

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