Unlocking GTM Productivity with AI
Associated with
Udi Ledergor Udi Ledergor
Dan Morgese Dan Morgese
Posted Aug 24, 2023 1 min read
Unlocking GTM Productivity with AI

Udi Ledergor and Dan Morgese presented at the AI Revenue Summit 2023, bringing insight to GTM teams. For these teams, perceived benefits of AI when integrated into sales leadership, are automating seller activity, guiding winning behaviors, informing GTM teams of prioritized strategies, and improving customer experience. Udi and Dan discuss the three key considerations companies should think about when incorporating AI into their sales team; 1) a generative AI system that is fed with high-quality data generates high quality insights, 2) consider a domain specific solution trained specifically in sales conversations, and 3) watch for solutions that keep your PII private and compliant without exposing yourself.