Balancing Content and Product Marketing in a Product Centric Company [podcast]
Associated with
Randy Frisch Randy Frisch
Megan Lueders Megan Lueders
1 min read
Balancing Content and Product Marketing in a Product Centric Company [podcast]

On this episode of The Marketer's Journey, I interview Megan Lueders, CMO at Silicon Labs. Silicon Labs is a transformative company in the semiconductor space, and focused on building a smarter more connected world. As a tech company, their marketing has always been product focused but today we explore how the buyer journey is transitioning and the acceleration of digital has driven a need for content marketing and other touchpoints for product driven businesses. We also discuss Megan's career journey and how she used a six month sabbatical to focus on her family, but also refocus on herself and understand what she needed in her career. Any buyer journey starts with a customer saying "give me something that will be of use to me" and Megan took a similar approach to her career, assessing opportunities for value, fit and holding out for the right opportunity.