Replay: What Are the Core Tenets of Storytelling for Long-Lasting Brands? [with Voiceflow's Kristin Hillery]
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Kristin Hillery Kristin Hillery
Replay: What Are the Core Tenets of Storytelling for Long-Lasting Brands? [with Voiceflow's Kristin Hillery]

In this replay episode, As Rachel is investigating what makes the best brands the best as she grows her own company and brand. What makes brands stand the test of time?
Enter Kristin Hillery, Head of Brand and Content at Voiceflow. She's been crafting and strategizing brand-defining content for over a decade.
Her answer? Take inspiration from what left an impression on you as a kid. Even (or especially?) if that impression is left by a talking toaster. Tune in to the episode to find out what she means.

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