Marketing reporting: the ultimate guide for digital marketers, including dashboards, templates, tools & software
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Anna Shutko Anna Shutko
17 min read
Marketing reporting: the ultimate guide for digital marketers, including dashboards, templates, tools & software

Marketing reporting isn't just about proving the value of your marketing team. Or at least it shouldn't be.

The whole purpose of reporting on your marketing efforts is to be able to make better data-driven decisions. Whether that's the decision to double down on a specific marketing channel or to end an underperforming campaign early, marketing reporting should surface the insights you need to make decisions with data, not your gut.

If you're struggling to pull together reports that drive better decision-making, this guide is for you.

Skip ahead:

What is marketing reporting?
What marketing KPIs should you report on?
How to build a marketing report
Different types of marketing reports (with templates)
Marketing reporting tools and software
Best practices for building insightful and actionable marketing reports
Future trends in marketing reporting

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