Posted Mar 30, 2023 3 min read
Winning Through Relationships in the Digital Era

  Listen to "245. Winning Through Relationships in the Digital Era w/ Rivers Pearce" on Spreaker. Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Amazon   Relationship building is a time-tested and proven approach to earning life-long clients across industries – and the real estate industry is no exception. That being the case, why do so many real estate and mortgage businesses lean into transaction-focused workflows? Real estate agents typically move prospects into a CRM, "nurture" them, move them through the transaction pipeline, close the deal, and detach from the relationship. This process does not bode well for long-term value - only 12-15% of clients transact with the same agent twice. No one likes to feel like a transaction. Viewing buyers and sellers you've served as "homeowners under management" is a mindset shift worth making. They evolve into an ongoing investment versus a one-time purchase or sale transaction. When a client you helped become a homeowner knows you have time to help them after the sale, trust blossoms. In the mindset of relationship building, the question isn't: "How quickly can I close this deal?" It's "How can I support this homeowner and build a network?" We spoke with Rivers Pearce, [...]