Leveraging Generative AI for Sales Excellence, with Ryan Vaillancourt [Episode 1164]
Associated with
Ryan Vaillancourt Ryan Vaillancourt
Alastair Woolcock Alastair Woolcock
Posted Apr 4, 2024 20 min read
Leveraging Generative AI for Sales Excellence, with Ryan Vaillancourt [Episode 1164]

In this week's podcast episode, Alastair Woolcock is joined by Revenue.io VP of Sales, Ryan Vaillancourt. They dive deep into the practical applications and impacts of generative AI in the sales domain. Ryan, drawing from his extensive experience on the front lines, shares provocative insights on how generative AI is reshaping research, preparation, and action in sales. The discussion focuses on the top use cases for generative AI in driving team performance, highlighting the transformational role of technology in streamlining sales processes and enabling actionable intelligence.