3 min read
How to turn a small-budget contest into 130 pieces of UGC content with Benyamin Elias

In this episode of the Content Logistics podcast, host Camille Trent talks to Benyamin Elias, the Director of Growth Marketing at Podia. They discuss Podia's recent creator fellowship campaign and the benefits of running such a program. Elias emphasizes the importance of team collaboration in marketing and how all elements of a campaign should work together to create something bigger than the sum of its parts. He also highlights the effectiveness of ongoing marketing campaigns, as they keep the audience engaged and the story never ends. Elias advises marketers to always keep the bigger picture in mind and focus on the main thing, setting aside anything that doesn't contribute to it. He shares insights on how to generate original content from marketing campaigns and the importance of making a compelling offer to attract people. The episode provides valuable insights for those looking to maximize their marketing efforts and create successful campaigns.