Incorporating Your Podcast Into Your Digital Strategy with LogicGate's Carolyn Chapin
Associated with
Lindsay Tjepkema Lindsay Tjepkema
Carolyn Chapin Carolyn Chapin
25 min read
Incorporating Your Podcast Into Your Digital Strategy with LogicGate's Carolyn Chapin

Today's conversation is with Carolyn Chapin, the Director of Marketing at LogicGate. Carolyn helps create the digital strategy for LogicGate's podcast, "GRC & Me." Throughout her career in marketing, Carolyn has been focused on SEO, demand gen, and digital strategy. She believes podcasting is an important part of LogicGate's strategy and is always looking for ways to incorporate the show into other content streams. On GRC & Me, they share personal stories and highlight human elements to really connect with the audience they are trying to reach. For Carolyn podcasting is an excellent way to build LogicGate's community and boost awareness for their brand. Hear about how to incorporate your podcast into your digital strategy and connect with your audience in today's conversation.