170 (Lead): Close Your First $1M ARR With Your Laptop CLOSED (Joe Caprio, Partner @ Glasswing Ventures)
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Joe Caprio Joe Caprio
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170 (Lead): Close Your First $1M ARR With Your Laptop CLOSED (Joe Caprio, Partner @ Glasswing Ventures)

The best product doesn't always win - the team that has the most conversations with customers, investors, and partners does.

Every week - test an industry, persona, and problem in your early-stage outbound. Over 12 weeks, you need to rip through 12 market segments to find your ICP.

Play laptop closed! See how long you can go without opening your demo to sell a deal.

Don't worry about the two, three, or four-year deals. Win customers in year one, and if your product is right, you'll keep them in year two and beyond.

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