‎30 Minutes to President's Club | No-Nonsense Sales: Hall of Fame: Stevie Case Ep. 175 on Apple Podcasts
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Stevie Case Stevie Case
‎30 Minutes to President's Club | No-Nonsense Sales: Hall of Fame: Stevie Case Ep. 175 on Apple Podcasts


-Burndown: Every day before the end of the month, make your team put all open deals in a spreadsheet with a two-line update.
-When you're rolling out a methodology like command of the message, you can't stop at the initial training. Every single new product launch needs to be trained in that framework, otherwise, it's forgotten.
-Make sure your reps tell you what role you need to play on calls! Your CRO can always freestyle, but they much prefer you tell them what to do.
-80% of the upward communications should be focused on the problems you need to solve. Often times your CEO just wants to know that you're aware of the problems.