Staying Human-First In Your Sales Process
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Posted Jul 28, 2020 35 min read
Staying Human-First In Your Sales Process

  Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify   What are your salespeople doing in their initial interaction with prospects? Are they going straight for the sale? Or are they taking the time to build the relationship first? If you go straight to the pitch, you won't see success very often. It's too "salesy" and every buyer sees it coming. Relationships are what you need to thrive. It's trite but true: people buy from people they know, like, and trust – people with whom they feel an emotional connection. So whether we're a good fit for a potential customer or not, great conversations need to take place in every interaction. This relatable, human-first approach makes prospects more likely to turn to us in the future, using our relationship as a foundation for brand connection. We see them as a fellow person, not a number. Likewise, your product, service, and company might be a perfect fit for a potential buyer, but a lack of connection can send her or him away ... as you'll hear in this conversation. Today's guest on The Customer Experience Podcast, Tori Belkin, hires and trains sales reps who excel at the art of conversation ...