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How To Price Your PLG Product

- Serial entrepreneur and data-scientist specialized in pricing
- Became portfolio manager of a hedge-fund developing ML-based pricing methods at the age of 25
- High propensity to go on rants about pricing

I grew up in France, went to study and work in Japan for 6 years during which I launched my first 2 startups. I then moved to San Francisco to become a portfolio manager for a $350 million hedge fund. During that time I developed cutting-edge algorithms to price financial assets.

The problems I was working on were quite interesting, but it was hard not to feel like there was something better to do with this technology than making the rich richer. Pricing had always been so painful for me to get right in my previous ventures, and so I started to wonder… What if this fancy technology that hedge funds have developed could be used to help companies price their products better? What if prices of services would not be fixed and targeted towards wealthy US users, but rather dynamic, personalized to the user and their situation?

It turns out not only can companies increase their revenue by over 42% from optimizing prices, but they can do so while expanding access to their services by providing dynamic discounts to people who need it.

Corrily is now powering the prices of millions of users, and growing by the day!
