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[Data In Sight] Defeating Duplicates: Top Hacks Every Salesforce User Needs To Know
Sep 11, 2023

It is not Sales Enablement; it is Sales Empowerment.

My passion lies at the intersection of sales strategy, data management, and personal development. With a track record of empowering sales teams to thrive, I'm dedicated to helping professionals enhance their skills, mindset, and overall effectiveness.

A Sales Engineer by day and Muay Thai fighter/instructor by night, my work has a heavy focus on personal development through lessons learned in the dojo and in the boardroom, respectively. I am fascinated by the parallels in life, through the different domains in which we live, and I explore them with every chance I get.

Some specifics about my work:

Sales Success Catalyst: In the dynamic world of sales, I've mastered the ability to build a bridge between technical solutions and business outcomes. I collaborate closely with internal teams to craft and convey solutions that resolve pain points, streamline processes, and empower decision-making. I am fully aware that every conversation is a chance to guide, inspire, and transform my peers, and I do not waste that opportunity.

Mindset Mastery: Recognizing that success begins within, I find the intersection of my passion for Muay Thai and my responsibility to empower and develop the reps I work with. Just as I step into the ring with determination, I help others adopt a growth mindset and face challenges with confidence and courage. "If you want to have more, you have to become more." - Jim Rohn

Leadership & Accountability: The greatest leader you'll ever be is a leader over yourself. Taking ownership and accountability over your circumstances, reflecting on things that could have gone better, and using this knowledge to create a better outcome tomorrow is central to my personal credo. Have the humility to know what you don't know, and the initiative to make the appropriate change.
