Ali Mustufa

Ali Mustufa

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The Impact of DevEd and Training Programs
Storyblok Community Chats #8: The Impact of DevEd and Training Programs

My vision is to help student developers realize their potential and rise above the bar of the college curriculum. I want them to experiment while they study so that they don't waste their professional years doing so!

The idea is to create more leaders, not merely followers! To keep that alive, I regularly interact with a lot of students and developers who have the potential and are doing exceptional things. I feel big companies can enable them to do even more!

I designed a course named Machine Learning Fast Track, curated for students and delivered in person by me and my team. I have trained more than 10,000 students hands-on and 100,000+ students through seminars and workshops. This is part of my regular engagement with those who matter for the future.

I have a proven track record of community management, especially for developers and students. I led the Google Crowdsource community in India and neighboring countries from 2017 to 2019, influencing them to contribute and designing and running campaigns in almost 100 chapters. I served GDG Mumbai for two years, from being a volunteer to co-organizer. I am the organizer of the Google Cloud Developer Community, Mumbai, and the lead ambassador of IEEE Collabratec in India!

With a passion for the community, I also started the first TensorFlow UserGroup in India and led TFUG Mumbai as a lead organizer.

Inspired by my journey, I was invited to give my first TEDx Talk in Mumbai. I was also featured by a national newspaper in Kerala, by TOI in Gujarat, local newspapers in Raipur, Lucknow, and Mumbai, and have been the youngest speaker in many of the AI/ML conferences hosted by IEEE and Google in India!

I was awarded the prestigious IEEE MGA Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Volunteer Award (for IEEE Region 10 - APAC) for my contributions to student communities.

Can I help you with anything? If so, let's connect and talk!
