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Service Bureau Jansen optimizes print production and expands to digital communications
Feb 13, 2024
Case Study

Marketing, (after) sales, communication and (reverse) logistics continiously change. This means often more flexibility, segmentation and personalisation resulting in a dynamic, interactive and personal customer journey.
Our strength is to analyse this kind of processes and advise and support in strategy, possibilities, solutions, organisation, automation, operation and purchasing i.c.w. real time reporting, ROI, forecast from A-Z, based on omnichannel, multiple touchpoints and mobile driven.
Our goal is to make the process more efficient, to improve the personal contact, to increase customer satisfaction and lower the operational costs.
Our customers are usually looking for an efficient, effective and transparant one-stop-shop business marketing, communication and logistic solution. A dedicated project owner, the added value of our organisation.
Our mindset/ambition: delivering customer loyalty!!

1. Business Communications: data,, data science, workflow, automation, omnichannel
2. Online Solutions: respons management (cash back, premium), web to print, portal solutions, webshops
3. Customer Care: return, repair and refurbish, product support, after sales, RMA, recall
4. Logistics: warehousing, transportation, international shipments, reverse logistics, fulfilment
5. Promotional concepts: merchandising, gifts, promotional material, branding

case study