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You're drowning in documents. So are the people who can make our energy grid cleaner
Dec 25, 2024
How AI is upending archaeology and changing the way we understand ourselves
Nov 25, 2024

I'm a writer and editor with 10+ years of experience in media and tech making the pivot into sustainability and clean energy.

Climate stories don't have to be wonky or dreary! Even if the prognosis is grim. I interviewed New Yorker writer Elizabeth Kolbert about her book, The Sixth Extinction, for Mother Jones and it turned out to be one of the most candid conversations about the future I've ever had. At GQ, I edited best-selling author Reif Larsen's long-form article about Gothenburg, Sweden, aka the "most sustainable in the world." He struggled admirably to reconcile his feeling of "endsickness"—vertigo induced by impending catastrophe—with the ingenuity and resilience he saw in the faces of the people around him. Like the student who hooked up a blender to a bicycle to save electricity.

There's a way to tell stories about business, nature, and climate without resorting to that all-too-familiar tone of obligation and doom. My role is to help climate leaders who have the science on their side but haven't necessarily figured out how to share their message with a broader audience.
