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On one occasion, I had planned a single sentence and re-wrote it at least 20 times for a story about a little deer. On another one, I have written a 30-page long brand-story rationale without even stopping for any of my vital needs. In fact, I can say, I have been writing -and thinking about writing- since the age of 12, which made me an avid observer of people and concepts in return.

However, through the years, I became obsessed with my time in nature, thus, I hear the call of writing every day and hear the call of the wild every other day. It's free of charge if you want to chat about nature, stamps, bicycles, photography, fountain pens, and bass guitars at any time.

If brand-storytelling, copy-writing, digital marketing, product/growth marketing, or anything related to conceptualizing and brain-storming are what you are looking for, I have to make a living too!

If you've come this far reading this, I've news for you. The Gen Zers left reading it in the first paragraph as they have an attention span of 15-20 seconds! This is way lower than anybody before them. However, you, an intellectual, would know that the sole consumer in the market is Gen Zers now.

For sure, the only way to reach them is through well-suited strategies directed at them. So, this is what I do, besides re-editing, I will help you build a bridge between you and Gen Z through nice marketing strategies. You know, all with TikTok and such.

So, reach me or I'll return to re-re-re-edit my story, you know, the one with the little deer.
