Boris Gamazaychikov

Boris Gamazaychikov

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How to Use AI to Meet Your ESG Goals Faster

Boris Gamazaychikov, Senior Manager of Emissions Reduction, is dedicated to identifying and implementing high-impact carbon reduction strategies, contributing to Salesforce's ambitious 1.5°C-aligned goal. His primary focus lies in decarbonizing the entire lifecycle of Salesforce technology, from code development to cloud infrastructure.

In addition to his work on Salesforce's internal sustainability initiatives, Boris recognizes the importance of transparency and collaboration. He actively contributes to this mission by creating open-source tools and resources, as well as participating in speaking engagements. His ultimate aim is to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable future for all.

Prior to Salesforce, Boris worked at Stok, specializing in implementing decarbonization strategies for diverse clients, including the world's largest technology companies. Before Stok, Boris spearheaded the Pentagon’s sustainable construction program. He received his degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Maryland.
