Latest Content Case Study - SmartClick
Sep 22, 2023
Case Study

I am Branko and I am the Co-Founder and Head of SEO at SmartClick.

14 years ago is when my obsession with the internet started. I was amazed by the endless possibilities it provided and was especially drawn to the mechanics of Google - how it evaluates a website and gives it it's proper ranking on the Google Search Results Page.

After years of researching and getting more involved in the whole process, I became the missing link websites need to get to the First Page of Google!

But, I also noticed there was a gap in the market: there was a huge number of SEO experts offering SEO services, especially for websites that weren’t built properly and didn’t provide a good user experience to its clients, so the SEO service wouldn’t bring satisfactory results.

That is why my business partner and I decided to start SmartClick - a Web and SEO Agency that offers Website Development and SEO services as ONE inclusive and coherent service that places your SME business on the first page of Google and keeps you there.

Together, we built a team that covers the three areas for getting to the first page on Google:
- Extensive SEO analyses to overtake competitors
- A bespoke website specifically created for SEO
- A team of SEO and Website Development experts working hand in hand

As a team we focus on the following three key points:
- Ranking websites on the first page of Google
- Aiming to get up to 473% increase rate on current traffic
- Making life easier through advanced web solutions

That's precisely why our number one priority is being honest and crystal clear about what we do. We care about our clients and practice clear communication and openness through each step of our collaboration.

If you want to hit the first page of Google for your buying keywords, just contact me and we'll see if there is a fit.

case study