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JSConf India 2023
Jun 02, 2023

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JSConf India 2023
Jun 02, 2023

I started a new company called which makes deploying AWS Lambda frictionless. Web services no longer require web servers and and so too how we design and deploy applications has also fundamentally changed. Traditional CI/CD systems are tricky to setup and slow to run because they are designed around legacy metaphors. Using your first deploy is instantaneous and subsequent deploys complete in seconds with zero downtime. Beyond speedy deploys, serverless systems are resilient. Because of the way works every function is completely isolated. Better still the concepts of staging and production are first class. All these benefits translate to lower costs, faster time to market and faster bug isolation/resolution once you are in market. These characteristics confer strong competitive advantages: allowing developers to focus on adding business value instead of the burden from maintaining legacy infra. That's what I'm working on right now.

Some of that work is now open source at and, as always, more coming soon.

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Older bio here:

Years of software development means I could fill this entire form field with all the meaningful and not-so-meaningful acronyms. The important thing to note is that I am not just an experienced dev but a good eye for business drivers, strategic concerns in addition to delivery, and a deep respect for great user experiences.

I also have a great deal of speaking experience and do enjoy developer relations very much. Most of the presentations below are from YEARS ago. More recent stuff can be found at or googling around.
