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Case Study
Case Study

I recently started PeakInbox, an analytics and testing tool to elevate Gmail Annotations for email marketers. This leading-edge product marries my constant curiosity about adding emerging technologies to the digital marketer’s toolbox, with sound decision-making, product design and functionality.
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I have a long history as a creative problem solver in the technical email space, email marketing strategist, and bridge-builder between client needs and technical capabilities. Working with nationally relevant organizations to attract, engage and maintain their email lists, I marry the “science” (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) and the “art” of issues such as email delivery and inbox placement.

Technical Email Expertise: From coding to rendering (from Outlook to mobile)
Dynamic Content for Email: From image personalization to localization to dynamic content
Ensuring Proof Point: From database design to conversion and revenue tracking
Emerging Email Technologies: From AMP to Annotations to BIMI to Voice
Assessing MarTech Stacks: From sanity checks to appropriate platform and tool integrations

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